As a software developer, your role is to implement features that will create value for customers. In addition to the code you have written, you should share what you have learnt on your personal blog. Here are the steps you can take to set up your own personal website.

1. Register a custom domain on Route 53

Go to Route 53 on your AWS console, find a domain that you like and register it. You can find comprehensive information on their documentation.

2. Upload your static content to S3 and enable static website hosting

You can use Amazon S3 to host your static website. They may also contain client-side scripts. I use jekyll for this website because it is easy to set up and can be customised later to your own liking. You still have full control of the generated HTML which you can add metadata for each of your content to help with SEO. AWS provides a comprehensive tutorial that can be easily followed.

3. Speed up the website with Amazon CloudFront

Create a CloudFront distribution and set the origin to the S3 website endpoint. More information here. You may encounter URL redirection errors as CloudFront does not automatically serve default root object for subdirectories. A workaround is available here.

4. Add your site to Google Search Console

Go to Google Search Console. Add your domain. Copy the value and create a TXT record in Route 53. Google will verify the ownership of your site. Your site is now ready to be seen by the world.